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Monsterblog Wednesday – If You Had to Watch One Movie For the Rest of Your Life…

A Bronx Tale

While I always go with Clooney in pretty much any hypothetical situation, I had to switch things up for this monster blog. Before Tony Soprano landed on our TV sets, there was Sonny. Sonny was a mobster, and Sonny was cool. A Bronx Tale, for those who haven’t seen it, follows C, a young Bronx boy who has to decide between a life of crime with mobster Sonny or follow in his father’s footsteps and make an honest living. The icing on the cake? Bobby De Niro stars as C’s father, and he directs the movie. Watch this movie and tell me it doesn’t have the greatest soundtrack of all-time. I DARE YOU. Also, it provides us with one of the greatest quotes in movie history: “the saddest thing in life is wasted talent”.

– Ryan



NO question in my mind. This was probably the easiest choice I have ever made. Affleck, Willis, Tyler, Wilson, Duncan (RIP), Thornton, Buscemi, fitchner…and the list goes on! Star studded cast? Check! Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck saving mankind? Check! Romantic love story? Check! Uber emotional ending that I don’t cry at every time? Check! On my death bed i’m going to rip my hospital tag off my wrist and scream “GIVE THIS TO TRUMAN! MAKE SURE TRUMAN GETS THAT!”


What movie would you watch? Comment below!

CM Punk’s Grammar Slam – Best Web Series Ever?

How in the blue hell did I not know about this web series? CM Punk, the WWE Superstar, tears people limb-from-limb over their horrible grammar on social media. This is pure gold and I love every minute of it. I have to thank YouTube’s “Geek Week” for introducing me to the channel.

Subscribe to the Nerdist Channel on YouTube for more Grammar Slam


PS- I think this is a very good web series, but Drinking With Class is the best.


10 Trips To Take In Your 20’s

While this list doesn’t incorporate everything that I would like to see and do, I completely agree with the thought behind it.  Get out there and explore new places, meet new people, and try new things.  I recently met some new friends who are taking 2 months to explore places they’ve never been before, and I think that’s awesome.  It’s a big world, experience it.


Video Credit: BuzzFeed

Is Michael J Fox my Favorite Person Walking God’s Green Earth?

I’d say the answer in unequivocally yes, but I’m not sure what he does is considered walking anymore…poor taste, I’ll pay for that some day soon don’t worry. But seriously, everytime I see this guy in the news I tremble with excitement. Damnit…Alright that one was unintentional.


So recently, Mr. Fox was given a cupcake arrangement the shape of the Stanley cup. And each cupcake has the logo of a different NHL playoff team. Michael has been tweeting pictures of himself eating the cupcakes of each team as that team get eliminated. Of course he’s accompanying them with a short one liner. Here’s the link for the bleacher report article on it.

As for this article I want to really talk about how great Mr. Fox is. Diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in the middle of a great career, he has really stayed relevant throughout the years. Of course it’s not about staying noticed, or staying in the public eye. The inspiration comes from his refusal to let his affliction define him, instead he has redefined what it means to live with Parkinson’s today. His charitable work to raise money for Parkinson’s research is unparalleled, but for me the amazing thing is his ability to laugh at himself. Mr. Fox shows us it’s okay to laugh at life’s lowest moments because it means you haven’t lost. If you keep fighting you can never lose.

Nothing shows Michael J. Fox’s spirit more than these hilarious clips from Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Here and here.


Oh and his short feud with Taylor Swift when he said he would never let his son date her was such a clairvoyant power move. He knew Swift was no good before the rest of us. Thanks for the heads up, Mike!

-Sean Lite-