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Fired From New York, It’s Saturday Night Live: Farewell Brooks Wheelan

The first of what I’m assuming many pegs to fall during SNL’s offseason is Brooks Wheelan. He was the most logical choice to go since he was in very few sketches which really contributed to him not leaving much of an impression on the SNL audience. SNL has always been better with a smaller cast, as it gives the featured players more of a chance to shine, so Brooks and the rest of the roster cuts should be viewed as a positive. Plus, it’s never bad for an aspiring comedian or comedy actor to have a year of SNL under his/her belt. At least he’ll always have his favorite moments:

– Ryan

Brock Baker’s Dub of “Saturday” by Rebecca Black

This guy, Brock Baker, is going to ruin any productivity I had today. I am literally crying watching these videos. Please check him out and give him a subscribe if you need some big laughs.


My Favorite Sketch From Andy Samberg’s SNL: The Return of the Vogelcheck’s

Andy Samberg returned to his roots Saturday night to host the season finale of SNL, and he brought just about every old cast member he ever performed with along for the ride. Seth Meyers, Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig, Fred Armisen and everybody’s favorite host, Paul Rudd. The show as a whole was very good, including two weirdly funny digital shorts and a killer Weekend Update. It’s tough to rank any of those sketches over the return of America’s First family of kissing: The Vogelcheck’s. This was one of my favorite recurring sketches with the old cast, and by far the most awkward to watch, which somehow makes it more charming. The whole crew joined Samberg for this sketch, including Fred Armisen and Kristen Wiig as Mr. and Mrs. Vogelcheck, and Bill Hader and Paul Rudd as his over affectionate older brothers. Even Kate McKinnon got in on the fun, playing grandma Vogelcheck. SNL used this sketch to address the over publicized Michael Sam kiss on ESPN. Enjoy.

– Ryan

Check Out the Best Sketch From Andrew Garfield’s SNL: ‘The Beygency’

SNL’s pre taped sketches have been on point this year. Ed Norton’s Wes Anderson spoof, Louis C.K.’s Darth Vader doctor visit, Bruce Willis’s Boy Dance Party. All those were great sketches, but last Saturday’s The Beygency might take the cake. This was far and away my favorite part of the episode, as Andrew Garfield looked pretty nervous throughout most of his live sketches. I don’t want to spoil the sketch, but there’s a pretty cool/topical cameo which makes it that much better. The funniest part about this whole thing is that America absolutely has a weird obession with Beyonce, and I’m not 100% sure that something like the Beygency doesn’t actually exist. Just a group of mysterious hitmen tapping into our cell phones and living rooms waiting for someone to speak out against Queen Bey. All I know is the next time ‘XO’ comes on my radio I’m not changing that channel. Might even belt out a verse or two.

– Ryan

Hot Diggity Dog: Charlize Theron & Andy Samberg Will Host the Final Two SNL’s This Season

SNL’s official twitter account broke the news today about the final two hosts of season 39. Andrew Garfield hosts next week and now Charlize Theron and my sweet prince Andy Samberg will follow. I don’t remember much from Theron’s first hosting gig in 2000, so she’s got a clean slate with me. Samberg, on the other hand, is one of my all time favorite cast members. Will we see multiple digital shorts? A Nicolas Cage impression? All I know is the sky’s the limit with Andy Samberg and a week with the writers of SNL. The final three episodes should be fantastic.


Anna Kendrick’s SNL Promos Give Me High Hopes for Her Hosting Debut Saturday Night

Can not wait for Saturday night. Louis C.K. was awesomely weird last week, and I’m hoping for more of the same with Anna Kendrick. The cool thing about actors like Anna Kendrick is that they can incorporate some musical sketches throughout the night because they know the host can nail it. Also, I need me some more Mike O’Brien this week. He’s slowly becoming my favorite cast member, and almost all of the sketches he’s in have just the right amount of weird to make it funny. Throw in a strong Weekend Update (last weeks sucked: ONE GUEST? Come on, SNL) and Pharrell’s big hat and this SNL should be pitch perfect (see what I did there).

– Ryan

Beck Bennett’s “Baby Boss” Skit Is Back For Round 2 and It Was Great

The one thing I always wished Lorne Michaels added to SNL was who created and wrote the sketches. I don’t know how he’d do this but I’ve always wanted to know, and this rings true for the “Baby Boss” sketch as well. I have to imagine the sketch idea was created by Beck Bennett, unless one of the writers has ESP and just knew he could play a perfect baby. Whether you like this sketch or not, there is no denying that Beck Bennett has perfect the mannerisms of a baby. Playing with his feet, trying to walk, smacking his hands together. I’m glad this is turning into a semi returning sketch, because the possibilities are literally endless for this kind of character.

– Ryan

Louis C.K’s SNL Promo’s Are Here and We’re That Much Closer to Saturday Night!

Run of the mill SNL promo’s but I don’t care. I can’t wait for Saturday night and for Louis C.K. to tear the house down yet again. We also learned that Sam Smith will be his musical guest. According to Wikipedia, Sam Smith is an old wooden ship that was used during the  Civil War era. Should be fantastic. Make sure to follow us on Twitter @averagenobodies as we’ll be tweeting witty observations during the show.

– Ryan