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Trailer Alert – Alien: Covenant

Brace yourself.

WOAH. I thought I was pumped after seeing the first teaser, but then I saw the prologue and thought, “ok, now i’m hyped”. BUT THIS? After seeing this I feel like I could dive out of an airplane with no parachute and survive. I feel like I could run clean through a cement wall. Beat the shit out of a bear and its cubs. stop a moving car with my mind….ok, you get the picture, i’m LIT off this trailer. It basically confirms everything I said in the last blog, and on the Make Movies Great Again podcast, but added the “shit hitting the fan factor” that we have all been waiting for.

And, what? Wait a second? How did that wheat get there? Hmm, that Alien ship sure looks familiar. How did it get there? …


DR. SHAW IS BACK. But where is David’s head?



After What Feels Like Forever, The ‘Dumb and Dumber To’ Trailer is Finally Here

Lloyd Christmas (still my favorite movie character name ever) and Harry Dunn stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon last night to finally drop the long anticipated trailer for “Dumb and Dumber To”. There’s really no use writing about the actual scenes in the trailer, because you have to watch it for yourself. Let’s just say I’ve never had more faith in a sequel than I have in this movie. It’s also remarkable how neither of them looked like they’ve aged a single minute in that trailer. The haircuts look the same, and let’s just say Lloyd took his shaving ketchup joke up a few notches in the opening scene in the trailer. Long live the goofballs.

– Ryan

P.S. This trailer gets our seal of approval.


Oh Happy Day – Dumb and Dumber To Trailer Will Be Released This Tuesday on The Tonight Show

Well this is the best news since sliced bread, and I LOVE sliced bread. Dumb and Dumber is one of the funniest movies of all time and is easily the most re-watchable comedy ever. I’ve seen it at least 100 times and find a new favorite scene/line each time. It’s also very cool that they’re releasing it on The Tonight Show. Instead of just a random release before some comedy movie this summer, The Tonight Show release gives it a big movie feel. Plus, anytime you can get Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in a room together, magic is about to happen. I can’t wait for Tuesday, and I can’t wait for November 14th. Throw another shrimp on the Barbie!

– Ryan

“Dumb and Dumber To” Might Be the Greatest Movie of All-Time

(Source) “Report: Cam Neely Accepts Role as Sea Bass in ‘Dumb and Dumber’ Sequel
Retired hockey players seem to never lose the itch to get back on the ice and play, but Bruins legend Cam Neely is returning to a different passion: acting.

According to and, Neely is set to reprise his role as Sea Bass in the long-awaited Dumb and Dumber sequel starring Jim Carrey and Emmy-winner Jeff Daniels.

The sequel to the 1994 comedy hit has been rumored to be in production for years, but only recently did Carrey and Daniels make their involvement known publicly via Twitter.”


Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels tweeted a picture from the set of Dumb and Dumber To earlier this week, and I don’t think it’s possible for a human being to be more excited for a movie than I am for this movie. Now it seems Cam Neely will reprise his role as Sea Bass, Milan Lucic could conceivably play his son and we’ll finally get to see Fraida Feltcher in the flesh, courtesy of Kathleen Turner. The Oscars better create a “Best Movie of All-Time” award by 2015 because Dumb and Dumber To is going to deserve it.


If This Picture Can’t Cheer You Up, Nothing Will


Our favorite idiots, Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunn, are back. Put another shrimp on the bobby!

– Ryan

P.S. It’s going to be weird seeing Jeff Daniels act so goofy. Will McAvoy is still so fresh in my mind.