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Ep 9 – Memorable Movie Moments

This week we discuss some of our favorite movie moments. Call 401-285-8120 to leave us a voicemail with a comment, question or observation and we will play it on the next episode.

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Monster Blog Wednesday: Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Celebrities dressing up for Halloween always warms our cold, dead, black hearts. It’s the one time of year they seem just like us. Since Halloween weekend has come and gone, we decided now was the perfect time to pick our favorite celebrity Halloween costumes.

 John Cena & Nikki Bella – Ron Burgundy and Tits Magee


Look at John Cena showing he has a sense of humor. Cena and Nikki Bella are a couple in real life, and any time you can get a superstar couple to do a couple’s costume you’ve got my vote for best costume. It also helps that he picked a character that no matter how many people dress up as him, will never get old. Did John Cena walk around with a massive erection all night? Did they buy a dog and name him Baxter? The world will never know. What we do know is that this is one hell of a Halloween costume.

NPH and Family – The Riddler, The Joker, Batman and Batgirl


Neil Patrick Harris and his husband David Burtka know how to do a family Halloween costume! Which is no surprise because NPH and Co are always flexing their “awesome”. Don’t believe me? Check out these previous costumes by the BatFam.

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Game. Set. Match….I can say with confidence that their is no other family in the world the dresses for Halloween better than the Harris-Burtka clan. Also, how the hell are those costumes so perfect? I realize they have endless wealth and resources, but that doesn’t explain the completeness of these halloween costumes. A+ work!
