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‘Puppet Class’ Made a Wonderful Reapperance During Bill Hader’s Hosting Stint on SNL

SNL had only done one ‘Puppet Class’ sketch before duplicating it Saturday, but you can’t deny that’s hilarious. Hader’s Anthony Coleman character is perfect, as are his war recollections through the eyes of Siamese puppet. The audience loves the sketch. I love the sketch. Howard Stern loves the sketch. It combines everything that we miss about Hader: his ability to transform into a character and his unique ability to make every line he’s given funny. I didn’t expect another ‘Puppet Class’ sketch, but I’m glad they fit it in. Also, if you haven’t seen this episode, check it out. It’s the best one they’ve done in a number of years.

– Ryan

Bill Hader is Back on SNL Tonight!

There’s no use trying to predict what sketches/characters are going to make a comeback tonight. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Although I wouldn’t hate varsity jacket wearing Hader coming back and bullying his old cast members.

– Ryan