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Welcome To The Busey Zone


Watching Gary Busey give people life advice is the reason dinosaurs put me on this Earth. I have to imagine when Al Gore invented the internet, he had this in mind. Who better to give life advice to lost souls then the craziest person in the entire universe. I feel like the people writing into “The Busey Zone” are skipping some integral steps in the self help process. Who did these people go to before Busey? Charles Manson? A snake? I mean how do you wake up one day with a legitimate real life quandry and think to yourself: “you know who can help me? Gary fucking Busey.” I have to admit I had some high expectations for this vlog, and per usual Gary Busey exceeds them and blows my mind in the process. I also feel like he believes this is some type of competition. When the woman reading the first question interrupts him, he tells her not to interrupt his answer or she’ll be elminated. That’ll teach her to question Gary Busey. He loves puppies, cats and fish, and he’s changing lives. God help us all.

– Ryan

P.S. Gary Busey’s spinning head will forever haunt my dreams.

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