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Steely_Phil’s Inaugural Music Post


The name is Steely_Phil and from now on i’m going to be posting whatever I want whenever I want, but theres a bonus, each post comes with a song.  If you don’t like what i have to say, shove it.  If you don’t like the song, cram it.

In my first post id like to comment on presidential candidate Donald Trumps hair.  Its silken, blonde, and looks like a cotton candy cloud slowly cascading over a freshly polished gymnasium floor.  But as much as I hate the guy, you have to give him credit for having the courage to say what nobody else will.  In a world where the term “politically correct” is so embedded into our collective memory that almost every breath or word offends at least one sect of our population, Donald continues to be the outlier, he continues to be the only politically incorrect man in politics and you gotta love it.

So in honor of my new found respect for Donald Trump, here is the other most politically incorrect man walking on this good green earth; Eminem.

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