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McDonald’s Solves The Age Old Question: “How do I take my Big Mac on a Picnic?”


This is just pure inventive genius by Mickey Ds right here, because I’ve always said to myself “how the fuck am I suppose to eat my Big Mac and fries through a paper bag?” Alas! McDonald’s steps in and saves a dummy like me from looking like a fool in front of my friends. Really McDonald’s? This is what you have been cooking up in-between planning marketing around the yearly re-release of the McRib? You gotta do better than this! This isn’t even that clever. Here are the three ways I eat my McDonald’s: 1.) Inside the restaurant on a plastic tray. 2.) In my car out of the provided paper bag 3.) take my food home and dump it all over my kitchen table. Those are the three ways McDonald’s food gets consumed. Nobody has time to start making origami with the bag it comes in.


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