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Hey Pat Sajack – Is Everything Alright at Home?

Hey global warming deniers, how good does it feel to have PAT SAJACK on your side? I guess I can understand the unpatriotic part, but the racist part is baffling. Do you think Pat Sajack knows what global warming is? Does he think it’s some kind of propaganda scientists created to destroy minorities? I really have no problem with this tweet. I think it’s hilarious, and there are plenty of people who deny global warming and climate change and that’s their prerogative. What I don’t like is when someone comes out against climate change, get’s called out, then backs off.

Do you want to know why most uninformed people tend to support people who claim climate change is real? It’s because when they are called out for their views, they back it up with FACTS. When global warming/climate change deniers are called out for their views, they claim it’s all in good fun. Have some balls, Pat. I’ll be watching the Wheel of Fortune on mute from now. That’ll show you.

– Ryan

Linda Ducharme Married a Ferris Wheel. Guess What State She’s From?

Honestly Florida, I give up. You win the make believe award for craziest state. It’s not odd enough that Linda Ducharme is marrying a ferris wheel. Nope. She’s actually been in a relationship with Bruce for 30 years. Oh did I forget to mention the ferris wheel has a name? It’s Bruce, which would be hysterical if this story wasn’t so weird. I do have to give the priest credit for his professionalism in this video. He’s a bigger man than I for not completely falling apart laughing during the ceremony. And Linda, although you’re clearly insane…

– Ryan