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Veronica-Pooh Nash Is Not The Summer Safety Instructor We Deserve, But She Is The One We Need

I don’t think I’ve agreed with a person more. On the surface, you wouldn’t think Veronica-Pooh Nash and I had a ton of things in common, but our opinions on avoiding shark attacks are pretty much identical. The ocean is the shark’s house. All they do is swim…in the ocean. I’m not saying people who are killed or attacked by sharks deserve it, but you’re taking a big risk whenever you go in the ocean. It’s not like you’re sitting home watching TV and a shark breaks down your front door and starts gnawing on your leg. We as a society would actually have a lot of problems if that started happening, but I digress. Sharks don’t want to attack humans. Scientists found that out a long time ago. But we’re basically invading their living space, and when you pit a shark against a human the human loses that battle every time. Never going in the ocean again is kind of a drastic take on this, but the sure way to avoid being shark bait is to never go in the ocean again.

– Ryan