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We Have a New Host of “Equals 3”!

For those of you who live under that rock I am always talking about, Ray William Johnson has moved on from being the host of “Equals 3” (one of the most popular YouTube shows in the history of the internet) earlier this year. During his absence he combed the world (specific parts of the US) for the next host. He searched and searched until he found Robby Motz. Robby Motz, so far, has 4 videos under his belt and I am very surprised on how quickly he jumped right in. Robby is funny in similar ways to Ray, but has a style all his own. “Equals 3” is still “Equals 3” (don’t fix what isn’t broken) and Robby adds a new flair that will only get better with age. Like a fine toilet wine.

Good luck Robby
