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SNL Pals Jimmy Fallon & Jason Sudekis Played ‘Drinko’ On The Tonight Show

As a big time SNL fan, I love that Jimmy Fallon is the host of The Tonight Show, because any time you turn on the show, there’s a solid chance an old SNL alum is going to be on, and it’s going to be fun and adorable. Jason Sudekis was never the ‘main guy’ on SNL, but a sketch was always better when he was in it. He could play the straight guy, the wacky guy and everything in between, and he genuinely loved being on the show. He and Fallon reunited last night, and played Fallon’s version of Plinko, which is Drinko. The rules are simple: you drop discs down a Plinko board and whatever two cups the discs land in, you mix together and  drink it. The creepiest part: the hands that come out of nowhere to give you the cups. The best part: no discs land in the tequila cup, but Sudekis drinks it anyway.
