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Oh Hell Yes – ‘John Wick’ Is Not Only Getting A Sequel, But It Might Become A Franchise

Wicked We’re happy to report that if you were completely blown away by the action and thrills in John Wick, the directors tell us they’re in the works on another one. [Update: And now Lionsgate confirms that franchise plans are definitely underway.]

During our chat with Chad Stahelski and David Leitch for “Director’s Notebook,” the stuntmen turned directors revealed that they definitely want to give the fans what they want and are currently working on a sequel to their hit debut, which not only proved that Keanu Reeves is still a viable action star but introduced us to some spectacular new action sequences like “gun fu” and “car fu.”

“We’re in development right now,” Stahelski told us.

They didn’t go into any specifics on story or if Reeves would return, though Stahelski did hint, “If we could work with Keanu Reeves for 10 movies you’d have a really cool career.” The two admitted that pressure of a sequel isn’t coming up with more action, but keeping the character relatable.

movie animated GIF

cute animated GIF

As someone who watched the glorious insanity that was John Wick, I can’t wait for the sequels, and I hope they make 100 more. The plot of the movie is basically the two gifs I’ve included above: John Wick loves his puppy, John Wick literally murders everyone. It’s amazing. I didn’t think Keanu Reeves could get more badass, but clearly he’s got a lot left in the tank, and watching him hunt down Reek from Game of Thrones was especially satisfying. John Wick all day every day every way.

– Ryan

Holy F@ck – I Need to See “John Wick”

Keanu is BACK! Kicking ass like this was the Matrix 4 or something.

Oh yeah, Reek is in it too. Sign me up.
